Monday 1st August 2022

A year after I started this blog, I’m not really sure how I’m feeling! I’ve found it really cathartic to record my daily musings but am disappointed that what I set out to do all those days ago I haven’t really done. I do feel like I have moved forward in some areas of myContinue reading “Monday 1st August 2022”

Sunday 24th July 2022

A pretty chilled out day all in all! An early start as Sophiecat was not happy and won’t stop meowing so got up & grabbed some coffee. Did a bit of client work which got completely missed off my to-do list last week so wanted to get it done so it was there in theirContinue reading “Sunday 24th July 2022”

Saturday 23rd July 2022

My first time back at the gym since Covid, was intervals (AKA cardio hardio) and it was tough, not just because of Covid but my general fitness as well but I did it & that’s all I’m focusing on at the moment. After the gym I headed to get some groceries, the list was fairlyContinue reading “Saturday 23rd July 2022”

Saturday 16th July 2022

Well, not much to report today as I’ve literally done nothing!! I did another lateral flow test this morning and the positive line appeared instantly and was clear as day. Slept ok considering, and then got up around 8am! Then moved from the bed to the sofa and stayed there for the rest of theContinue reading “Saturday 16th July 2022”

Tuesday 12th July 2022

Today has been an interesting day, started slowly as no gym today as my rest day and also not a uni day & Sophiecat let me sleep in after I fed her at 4am! This morning I had a coaching session with friend who is training to be a coach, I’ll always offer when someoneContinue reading “Tuesday 12th July 2022”

Monday 11th July 2022

Surprisingly, Sophiecat slept in until just before 5am this morning which is so much more tolerable than the 4am wake-ups I’ve had for the past 6-8 weeks! It actually helped me as left me plenty of time to prep for my day as I was going straight to the uni after the gym session andContinue reading “Monday 11th July 2022”

Friday 6th July 2022

I’m getting used to Sophiecat’s routine now of the 4am wake up and going back to bed! Today I decided to sleep in a bit as still feel tired from the week. Today I was at the uni, presenting our team at our open day. With the sun shining, the campus looked beautiful and welcoming.Continue reading “Friday 6th July 2022”