July 2022 – Limbo & Overwhelm

For many years I’ve always found July a tough month, it’s my birthday month which hasn’t always been happy for me. However, this year I was determined to do things differently so that I could change my birthday experiences.

It’s taken me a while to write this month’s blog post mainly as there isn’t that much to say about July 2022 as I was mostly just counting down the days until the end of the month, I’m not one for wishing my life away but I was tired and knew that I had some holiday planned for August so was looking forward to a break.

The days and weeks blurred together as I just made it through each day until my birthday & my holidays as well as feeling overwhelmed by life. Generally, I am juggling quite a few things most days (running a business, working part-time, running a house, staying fit & healthy as well as maintaining relationships) in the most part I handle this well, but when I get run down it all feels too much. There are so many things I want to do in my life & I often overestimate how much I can actually do in a day.

At the beginning of August, I announced publically that I was going to run my conference again this year and immediately I had reservations wondering why I put myself through the stress of event management – I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again and it will be as good if not better than the one I ran in 2019, but I doubt myself 100s of times a day.

I’ve also got another side-hustle going on that I started this year, can’t say too much right now but that also is consuming my headspace too.

Then in a blink of an eye, it’s the final weekend of July & my birthday. This year I bought some tickets to the rugby sevens at The Commonwealth Games, we stayed in a hotel close the venue on the Friday night, had a lovely meal that evening and an early night as we had to be at the venue by 7.30am for a 9am session start. It was a great day, once the sport was over we went into Coventry city centre for a few drinks & ended the day with a gorgeous Thai meal. I felt so much love from my friends & family with my phone buzzing all day with birthday messages – I always find this hard as don’t believe I deserve this much love & makes me quite emotional.

When I got home on Sunday, I sat and opened my presents & cards which was lovely and so starts my 46th year around the sun!

Published by lincolnshiregirl

I'm 40 something gal living in the beautiful county of Lincolnshire, England. I run my own business which is a rollercoaster of good times and bad times but it is what makes life interesting. I'm a self-confessed foodie, which some people might think is bordering an obsession, but a good obsession I would say. I am a fully qualified food technologist, nutritionist and personal trainer and use my skills and knowledge to keep striving to better myself in all areas of my life. Despite being dyslexic I love reading both fiction and non-fiction books and usually have four or five on the go at any one time. I enjoy keeping myself fit and healthy by regular visits to the gym as well as enjoying open water swimming and sometimes I'm brave enough to swim without a wetsuit. This blog is all about my life and adventures.

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