February 2023 – The final goodnight

I’ve delayed writing February’s blog post as I know I will find it emotional, but here goes!!

The month started with another physio session on my knee, when I say physio session, no hands-on physical physio was done – it was mainly me saying that despite resting it and doing the exercise given to me the previous session, it is no better which meant the physio referred me back to my GP for further investigation! This was gutting as I’ve hardly done any exercise for the last 6 months and I’m getting quite frustrated with the situation as well as being in constant pain, hopefully, I will get a definitive diagnosis soon!

The above hasn’t been helped as my sleep has been disturbed for quite a few months due to Sophiecat, in the last 6-8 months she was noticeably ageing before my eyes and getting distressed at night, waking me up numerous times in the night for comfort.

Eventually, I hit a wall of tiredness and made the decision to take her to the vet. I’d been putting this off for months knowing that it might be a one-way trip for her and I kind of wanted to prepare myself for the possible outcome of the trip.

I had warned the vets that it might be a one-way trip so they were prepared for us when we arrived and we were taken straight into the consulting room, Sophiecat simply walked out of the carrier and laid down on the table and at that point, I knew I had to make the heartbreaking decision to say the final goodnight to her there and then. So I kissed her head and let the vet take her away. That was the 20th February!

I drove home in tears, the house just didn’t feel the same without her, She had been part of my life for over 14 years so she had a great life with me and she brought me so much happiness and companionship.

The rest of the month was a bit of a blur as I kept myself busy to ensure I held it together to keep functioning at a certain level, life goes on…

I know it was the right decision to make but it still hurts like hell.

Published by lincolnshiregirl

I'm 40 something gal living in the beautiful county of Lincolnshire, England. I run my own business which is a rollercoaster of good times and bad times but it is what makes life interesting. I'm a self-confessed foodie, which some people might think is bordering an obsession, but a good obsession I would say. I am a fully qualified food technologist, nutritionist and personal trainer and use my skills and knowledge to keep striving to better myself in all areas of my life. Despite being dyslexic I love reading both fiction and non-fiction books and usually have four or five on the go at any one time. I enjoy keeping myself fit and healthy by regular visits to the gym as well as enjoying open water swimming and sometimes I'm brave enough to swim without a wetsuit. This blog is all about my life and adventures.

2 thoughts on “February 2023 – The final goodnight

  1. We had the same thing with one of our cats. He had been a bit off colour, so we took him to the vet – almost as a precaution. He didn’t come home.

  2. I know it’s sad, in fact there were tears today about her as the neighbours cats came for a stroke in the garden & were in the house looking for Sophiecat, it hits you when you least expect it.

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