April 2023 – Starting Over

April was a big month as it felt like one door was finally closing and another was opening. The first 6 days were spent preparing for my operation. I wasn’t sure how much mobility I would have, so I wanted to ensure that I had plenty of meals and food prepped just in case I was totally laid up. Many people asked me if I was ready for it and in all honesty, I didn’t really think about it until the night before as I was quite busy making plans while I was off sick from the uni etc.

The days of the operation went by so fast, a friend picked me up at 6.40am and I was checked in by 7.05am, I was first on the list so back in my room after the operation by about 10am, when I checked my phone (which I didn’t do before I went down for my operation) there were loads of messages of well wishes which was so lovely & heartfelt to read! I replied mainly with “I’m back, all sorted!!”

Once back in the room I was offered coffee and some lunch, had a visit from the consultant (who bluntly told me that if I wanted to ever run again I would need to lose at least 3stone) & physio (who was lovely and gave me some advice about getting back into exercise) and by 4pm I was allowed home! I was able to hobble out of the hospital, not in much pain but more mobile than I thought I would be. My friend drove me home and stayed over that night to ensure I was ok, there is a very amusing story about piercings & fainting that maybe one day I will be brave enough to share but for now, it will have to stay in my head…

The next two weeks I spent mainly on my sofa, I had made loads of plans to do lots of reading and thinking but in reality, I mainly just watched TV and whiled the days away. I had plenty of visitors to keep me company which was lovely. Especially the 2nd week when I was starting to go a little stir crazy at home. I now look back at this time and feel like I wasted it by not doing some of the things I planned, I drive myself mad wishing I was different sometimes.

Fourteen days after my surgery I had my stitches out and which meant that I could now start exercising again and being more active, by this point, I was chomping at the bit to get moving!

It felt good to be moving my body again, however, it also hit home that where I want to be fitness and health-wise is a long way off and will take me months if not years of consistent action which I find really challenging. I start with good intentions and then just something (mainly my head) gets in my way. But I am determined to get to where I want to be but remembering to be gentle with myself too. I’m calling it my re-health journey…

The last two weeks of April were a blur as I re-immersed myself in life and at times I felt like I was hit by a bus with a neverending list of things that need doing!!

I’m slowly figuring things out in my head that have been playing on my mind for a while and looking to possibly get more therapy to overcome some challenges/blocks I have.

Until next time, stay safe & strong xx

Published by lincolnshiregirl

I'm 40 something gal living in the beautiful county of Lincolnshire, England. I run my own business which is a rollercoaster of good times and bad times but it is what makes life interesting. I'm a self-confessed foodie, which some people might think is bordering an obsession, but a good obsession I would say. I am a fully qualified food technologist, nutritionist and personal trainer and use my skills and knowledge to keep striving to better myself in all areas of my life. Despite being dyslexic I love reading both fiction and non-fiction books and usually have four or five on the go at any one time. I enjoy keeping myself fit and healthy by regular visits to the gym as well as enjoying open water swimming and sometimes I'm brave enough to swim without a wetsuit. This blog is all about my life and adventures.

One thought on “April 2023 – Starting Over

  1. Glad to know you’re ok. I had no idea about any of this. I’ve just started out on the Couch to 5K journey (again) – for me this time, instead of the kids. Small steps 🙂

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